Ju-Jitsu Dojo of Columbia's blog

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September 2014
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Looking for previous entries? Check the archives!


11/05/2017: The tale of the flea market
09/14/2017: That which cannot be "unseen"
07/22/2017: Violence
07/09/2017: It has to be the same
04/29/2017: Oops, broke it!
11/26/2016: Legos (what, again?!)
11/06/2016: Loop-de-loop-de-loop
09/10/2016: Ensure you compare the same fruit!
03/03/2015: We do loves us some Legos!
10/26/2014: I'm guilty? Say what?!
09/07/2014: This ain't the movies
05/01/2014: How quickly can you learn this stuff?
03/22/2014: And the newest martial art is...
02/09/2014: Evolution
02/01/2014: Dude, where's my blog post?!
11/30/2013: What's going on out there?!
11/19/2013: Mindset
09/19/2013: first aid - dislocations
09/12/2013: First aid - background
09/05/2013: First aid - take inventory
08/24/2013: First aid - legal issues
08/06/2013: First aid - bleeding, part 2
07/23/2013: First aid - gunshot wounds
07/21/2013: First aid - call 911!
07/18/2013: In real life...
07/13/2013: First aid - signs of shock
07/03/2013: First aid - impaled objects
07/02/2013: What is self defense?
06/25/2013: First aid - CPR
06/13/2013: First aid - CAB (circulation, airway, breathing)
06/02/2013: First aid - pulse, blood pressure
05/23/2013: First aid - fractures
05/14/2013: First aid - vital areas
05/12/2013: Brain freeze
04/27/2013: We have a Youtube channel
04/24/2013: First aid for bleeding
04/14/2013: Ahhh, spring!
03/23/2013: Guest blogger coming up!
03/06/2013: Read beyond the article, part 2
03/02/2013: Master of redirection
02/17/2013: Hiding in plain sight
02/03/2013: Resistance in training?
01/26/2013: Some thoughts for the road ahead
01/17/2013: The pizza delivery that almost wasn't
01/12/2013: w00t!!!
01/05/2013: In Memoriam
01/01/2013: Budo Tomo No Kai
12/23/2012: Vehicle stickers!
12/19/2012: Defend yourself with the body you have
12/13/2012: December already!
11/27/2012: "All walks of life"
11/18/2012: Could I use this on the street?
11/04/2012: Magic not spoken here
11/01/2012: Keep cool? Yeah, right!
10/30/2012: Hurricane Sandy
10/28/2012: Resistance is futile
10/26/2012: Legos and levels
10/20/2012: Awareness and projection, part 2
10/14/2012: Strategy: awareness
09/25/2012: Kid brain
09/21/2012: The dojo as family
09/11/2012: Reaction vs. action
09/07/2012: Read beyond the article
09/07/2012: Before the blog...